The Full Testimony
Testimony of
Nikita Soumrov
A barrage of rockets rained down on Nahal Oz on Saturday morning, followed by the sound of gunfire from light weapons. Nikita and Sara Soumrov locked their home and gathered in the dark, safe room. Social media showed a terrifying picture of what was happening in the kibbutz. Inside the safe room, their primary concern was focused on ensuring their young son's survival by any means. Simultaneously, Nikita was worried about his family in the kibbutz—his two grandmothers, his parents, and his younger brother, who, like him, were locked in a safe room under the terrorist attack, as well as his younger brother at the nature party that was also attacked. Nikita bid farewell to his parents and brother through WhatsApp messages and continued to focus on protecting his son's life. The soldiers who came to rescue them were seen as angels. The entire family survived that Saturday. Today, they live in Mishmar HaEmek and are grateful for the warm welcome they received. The future is uncertain, but Nikita wants to raise his children in Nahal Oz, where his home is and where the community to which he belongs resides
Place of the event:
Nahal Oz
Nikita Soumrov
Date: 01.05.2024
Interview: Shalhevet Ofir
Photography: Moshe Schiff
Video Editing: Yuval Brill
Content Editing: Noah Bar Gosen
Translation: Karen Ettinger
Other media
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Lina Orlov, Rotem Yaakobi
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