The Full Testimony
Testimony of
Olga Chagin
Olga Chagin, 53, sat alone in the safe room for hours, paralyzed with fear. She heard about the terrorist infiltration and kept up with news about what was happening to friends who were crying out for help, but she was unable to grasp what was happening. Only when she was rescued in the evening did she realize that her son was the only survivor in his neighborhood and that her friends had been kidnapped.
Place of the event:
Olga Chagin
Videography: Ari Bloch
Interview: Galia Shiloach
Video editing: Ari Bloch
Content editing: Tali Segev
Other media
Matar Belzer
They didn't know that there were 3,000-4,000 people in actual danger of their lives - Matar Belzer
Dany Zernitsky
The iron scars will remain with everyone who experienced the Shabbat in October; we must deal with them. - Dany Zernitsky
Yaell Malka
Everyone came and left with weapons and were alert and tense. You could feel it in the air. - Yaell Malka
Lina Orlov, Rotem Yaakobi
Three hundred bodies on the road, all around, people shot still inside the vehicle, bodies... and no one is here - Lina Orlov, Rotem Yaakobi
Idan Caspi
I understood that they were aiming for my head. If the balloon hadn't been there, it would have hit my head. - Idan Caspi
Nofar Gahali
No one prepares you— not for this pain nor for the scenarios you've seen there. - Nofar Gahali
Laura Lotem Chezes
“Everything was out, the bedroom, the kitchen. I looked at the living room and saw that they had broken the window there and came through it. I “flew” back to the safe room”. - Laura Lotem Chezes
Tali Hadad
“I said to the guy: "listen, I’m going to get the car and evacuate casualties. He said: “go, your a hero”” - Tali Hadad